
If you’ve found me here, you are probably a kindred spirit looking for answers to questions like:

“Help! I’m anxious, irritable, and feel like I’m constantly on high alert. I’ve tried talk therapy, self-help programs, yoga, and meditation. They are helpful, but I feel like my body has been hijacked. How do I get my mind and body to work together?”

“I’m in a transition in my life, I’d like to be more intentional about going forward. How do I know what’s right for me?”

“I’m feeling called to a deeper, more meaningful life, so how do I get there?”

“I’m stuck, creatively. How do I get my mojo back?”

Or, maybe you’re just curious about Trauma Touch Therapy or Body to Soul Coaching

Hi, I'm Carol

Pour yourself some coffee or tea and settle in. I’m glad you’re here. Here’s a little of my story…

As a sensitive person, I am inspired by art, poetry, good books, and beautiful places. Yet for much of my life, I felt I held no innate creative ability. I was so busy trying to figure out how to make my life work, that I had little time left over for exploring or enjoying the simple pleasures of a vibrant sunset or the adventure of a good book. I felt like I was going through the motions. My life was purposeful, but not what I dreamed of deep down. I experienced moments of spiritual and emotional connection, but wanted to live in that space, to feel aligned with my inner wisdom.

I worked as a massage therapist for 30+ years. About ten years ago, I studied an advanced training in Trauma Touch Therapy. And it changed the way I work with my clients and how I live my life.

I’d always been fascinated by the body’s innate healing ability. The trauma piece was crucial for releasing stress, trauma, and limiting messages – memories and learned behavior that get stuck in your body. The neural pathways encoded in your nervous system.

I offer  Trauma Touch Therapy and Body to Soul coaching as tools to help you access your inner wisdom, release encoded patterns that limit you, and unleash your creative potential.

A little more about me…

I live and work in the artsy town of Wimberley, Texas, surrounded by hills, trees, and nature’s creatures. A dream my husband and I manifested after years of trying to figure out where we would land and eventually retire.

I look forward to meeting you and witnessing your dream coming to life too.

For more information on how to work with me, see my services page