
What if I lose my job?

What if I get sick?

What if I lose my parent, my kid, my spouse?

What if I never accomplish (insert goal here)?

What if this neck, back, jaw, hip, knee pain never goes away?

What if the worst thing I can think of happens?


But what if I support my good health?

What if I enjoy my parents, my kids, my spouse?

What if I finish that novel, that painting, that dress, that …?

What if I love fiercely, give generously, create wildly?

What if I live today, right now, as it unfolds?

What if the best thing I can imagine manifests?

The life you live today may mirror your thoughts, beliefs and experiences, but the life you envision can feed your thoughts, shift your beliefs, and guide your actions.  How will you nourish your goals and dreams?